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  • 숙명여자대학교 경영학부 졸업(‘06) 경영학사
    연세대학교 보건대학원 병원행정학과 졸업(‘11) 보건학석사
    연세대학교 대학원 보건학과 졸업(‘17) 보건학박사
  • 주요경력

  • 2005~2006 법무법인 율촌 조세그룹
    2008~2008 연세대학교 의료원 의과학연구처
    2008~2011 대통령비서실 기획관리실
    2011~2015 사회보장정보원 기획총괄부
    2015~2018 연세대학교 보건정책 및 관리연구소 연구원
    2018~2019 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 연구교수
    2019~2020 고려대학교 대학원 보건과학과 연구교수
    2020~현재 을지대학교 의료경영학과 교수
  • 연구실적

  • 논문
    병원 원무행정근무자의 직무소진이 직무만족과 이직의도에 미치는 영향. 석사, 2011.
    Does improved quality of care affect maternal health outcomes? Focusing on adequate prenatal care, off-hours delivery, access to labor facilities, and severe maternal morbidity. 박사, 2017.
    Socioeconomic Status and Successful Deliveryafter the Infertility Diagnosis: using a NationwideHealth Insurance Cohort Study in KoreaConducted from 2005 to 2013. SCIE, 2020.
    The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on All-Cause Maternal Mortality: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. SCI, 2020.
    Lifestyle risk score and mortality in Korean adults: a population-based cohort study. SCIE, 2020.
    Socioeconomic Burden of Disease due to Asthma in South Korea. SCIE, 2020.
    The relationship between severe maternal morbidity and a risk of postpartum readmission among Korean women: a nationwide population-based cohort study. SCIE, 2020.
    Do severe maternal morbidity and adequate prenatal care affect the delivery cost? A nationwide cohort study for 11 years with follow up. SCIE, 2019.
    The effect of off-hour delivery on severe maternal morbidity: A population-based cohort study. SCI, 2019
    The Relationship Between Physical Activity Level of Parents and That of Their Adolescent Children. SCI, 2018.
    The effect of neonatal hypothyroidism and low family income on intellectual disability:A population-based cohort study. SCIE, 2018.
    적정한 산전관리와 중증 모성질환 발생의 관련성 연구: 인구집단 기반 코호트 연구. KCI, 2018.
    The impact of sitting time and physical activity on major depressive disorder in South Korean adults: a cross-sectional study. SCIE, 2018.
    Impact of family characteristics by marital status of cohabitating adult children on depression among Korean older adults. SCI, 2017.
    The synergistic effect of breastfeeding discontinuation and cesarean section delivery on postpartum depression: A nationwide population-based cohort study in Korea. SCI, 2017.
    Effect of Changes in Sleep Quantity and Quality on Depressive Symptoms Among Korean Children. SCI, 2017.
    Incidence of Pressure Ulcers During Home and Institutional Care Among Long-Term Care Insurance Beneficiaries With Dementia Using the Korean Elderly Cohort. SCIE, 2017.
    Associations of sitting time and occupation with metabolic syndrome in South Korean adults: a cross-sectional study. SCIE, 2016.
    Medical security and catastrophic health expenditures among households containing persons with disabilities in Korea: a longitudinal population-based study. SCI, 2016.
    The relationship between sports acility accessibility and physical activity among Korean adults. SCIE, 2016.
    The Association between Inappropriate Weight Control Behaviors and Suicide Ideation and Attempt among Korean Adolescents. SCIE, 2016.
    Is one's usual dinner companion associated with greater odds of depression? Using data from the 2014 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. SCI, 2016.
  • 수상실적

  • 미래모자보건학자상 예방의학부문 (한국모자보건학회)
    APACPH Oustanding Poster Presentation Award (Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health)
    연세대학교 박사학위과정 의학부문 우수논문장려상 (연세대학교)
    한국모자보건학회지 2018년 우수논문상 (한국모자보건학회)
  • 연구분야

  • 건강보험수가, 저출산정책, 모자보건, 젠더건강, 공중보건, 국제보건, 인적자원관리, 조직행동, 의료경영
  • 리스트