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이한숙 교수

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  • 現) (2010년~현재) 을지대학교 물리치료학과 교수
    現) (2015년~현재) 을지대학교 범석의학박물관관장
    現) (2013년~현재) 을지대학교 학술정보원 성남 팀장
    現) (2015년~현재) 성남 고령 친화체험관 건강증진센터장
    現) (2012년~현재) 대한물리의학회 학회장
    現) (2013년~현재) 수정구 노인 복지관 자문위원
    現) (2014년~현재) MTA 국제보조강사
    現) (2008년~현재) P.N.F 정회원
    前) (2012년) 물리치료사 국가고시 출제위원
    前) (2013년) 물리치료사 국가고시 문항개발 위원
    前) (2008년~2010년) 수원여대 물리치료과 전임강사
    前) (1999년~2002년) 대구대학교 물리치료학과 겸임교수
    前) (1997년~1998년) 대전보건대학 물리치료학과 겸임교수
    前) (1994년~1999년) 대전시 서구보건소 장애아동재활지원센터
    前) (1992년~1994년) 대구대 재활원
  • 연구실적

  • [논문]
    The analysis of severity of forward head posture with observation and photographic method. Han Suk Lee, Hyung Kuk Chung, Sun Wook Park.대한물리의학회지.2015.08
    Correlation between trunk posture and neck reposition sense among subjects with forward head Correlation between trunk posture and neck reposition sense among subjects with forward head postures. Han Suk Lee, Hyung Kuk Chung, Sun Wook Park. BioMed Research International.2015.06
    Effects of Active Release Technique on Pain and Range of Motion in Patient with Chronic Neck Pain. Journal of Physical Therapy Science.2015.08
    Effects of Nordic walking on physical functions and depression in frail people age 70 years and above. Han Suk Lee, Jeong Hun Park. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2015.08
    The effect of neck assistive device considering Mckenzie type subjects with for forward head posture. Han Suk Lee, Woo Cheol Lee, Jun Ho Kim. The journal of Korean Society of Physical Therapy.2015.05.
    The effect of the preparation and review times on the some items of the Gross Motor Function Measure evaluation capacity of the college students. Han Suk Lee, Eun Joo Kim. 대한물리의학회지.2015. 2
    The effectiveness of intensive mobilization techniques combined with capsular distension for adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Journal of Physical Therapy Science.2014.12
    The effects of aerobic exercise and strengthening exercise on pain pressure thresholds. Lee, Han Suk. Journal of Physical Therapy Science.2014.7

    근골격계 물리치료진단학. 2013. 현문사
    마이오투닝어프로치입문. 2013. 대학서림

    [포스터 발표]
    The change of EMG during lifting a object from floor according to foot position. 4th congress of the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics Community. 2014
    How well the university students understand the term of physical therapy? 16th International Meeting of Physical Therapy Science. 2015.7
    The daily workload analysis of physical therapists of visiting health center in Korea. 2015 World conference for Physical Therapy. 2015.5.

    The effect of Myotunning Approach on the pain pressure threshold and range of motion in subject with frozen shoulder.14th Japanese society of myotuning approach sciences meeting. 2015.10
  • 수상실적

  • Marquis Who’s Who in the world, 2016.
  • 연구분야

  • EMG, Neck pain, Posture
  • 학력

  • 대구대학교 물리치료학과 졸업 (‘92)이학사
    대구대학교 재활과학과(물리치료전공)졸업 (‘97)이학석사
    대구대학교 재활과학과(물리치료전공) 졸업 (‘2001)이학박사
    Ola Grimsby Institute, Doctor of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy 졸업. (2011)DMT
  • 리스트